Monday, July 4, 2016

Post having nothing to do with Lisa

Last post reminded me of the Nordstrom Hazelnut Candy. I found this one day in the store while waiting for Lisa to try on cloths. I would wonder the shop while waiting and one day in their little gift cubby I found stacks of these chocolates. I remember mint and hazelnut, but i think there was also a third variety. They were really good, but now I can't find any evidence they ever existed. I think they had a posh name like "indulgences" or something irrelevant to what they were, but I could be wrong. They came in boxes that were triangular tubes about 10" high and 4" on a side.

I actually have pieces of some of the boxes since it was a strong cardboard and I put it in my jewelry toolkit for making models, but I don't have the part of the box with the name. Does anyone remember Nordstom hazelnut chocolate? Or Nordstrom mint chocolate in triangular cardboard boxes?

They were on sale in the late 90's and then I moved to CA and don't ever remember seeing them there so I am guessing they have been gone for some time.

If you know of these chocolates and have any information leave me a comment. If I ever find Lisa I will remind her of this candy as I know it was one of her favorites as well.

[2016 - these were the Nordstrom copy of the Frango mints that they made for a couple of years when they were unavailable from the original manufacturer.]