Sunday, January 16, 2011

More thoughts on Lisa

The last time Lisa and I were close we took a class in jewellery crafts at the New School. One reason she has been on my mind now more than usual is that I have recently taken up my jewellery tools and I find that they are covered in a layer of memories of Lisa.

I had to leave the class early when i took a job in CA, but Lisa continued on. Now I pick up the tools and they remind me of her, and NYC, and taking the PATH through the WTC to meet her at Parson's. Then just like that I take a job in CA and so many years later everything is gone except the tools. No Lisa, No WTC, no Nordstrom chocolate whose boxes ended up in my toolkit for making patterns.

This trying to write prose that contains the name Lisa in no easy task. I end up deleting half the paragraphs since thinking of Lisa always seems to lead me down a path that I prefer not to publish. A lot of hard memories, and a lot of good ones too, neither of which belong on a blog. Especially since the purpose of this blog is only to get someone that knows her to notice it and point Lisa to me. (see below)

First Post

[Update 2016 -- Lisa's name and identifying details have been removed. This blog was started in 2011 to find a long lost friend, and that task has been accomplished. I have since deleted anything specific, but decided to keep the general, non-identifying information just because it is the foundation of the story that is this blog. Nothing important, but it explains some of the odd, early posts.]

This is a post for Lisa
My hope is that she, or one of her friends, will stumble upon it when googling her name, and then Lisa will be aware of this post and follow the directions at the bottom of the page.

Lisa and I were friends long ago, and then some odd things happened. I worked for her father a bit and afterward we stayed friends, but when I moved to California and Lisa moved in with a guy we mostly stopped talking.

 There were some hard times then, and soon after I moved to CA her father died. He had lung cancer and he died soon after diagnosis. My understanding is that it was a very difficult last few months.

Lisa had no one and needed a friend. I was not there for her. Having worked for himI still had many bitter feelings toward him. I felt that if he wanted me to attend his funeral he would not have tried to destroy my career in a futile attempt to make me dependent on him. Bread cast upon the water and all that,... but if you pee in the water that comes back too.

You can argue, as I am sure Lisa did, that I should have gone to the funeral for her and not for him. There were two problems with that though. First of all I was having a hard time in CA trying to salvage my career starting at the bottom and working my butt off during a downturn exactly because of what he did. It was a lot to ask for me to take days off as my company was going through layoffs to be there for her and further damage what was left of my career. Second, after I moved to CA Lisa treated me rather harshly. I don't know why.

Looking back now my bitterness has faded and I understand that she was having a hard time when I left to CA, and a very hard time when her father died. I can't blame her for not seeing that I was not doing too good and I should have been there for her.

I did not think she would be bothered by my not going to his funeral, but my best guess is that this is why she mostly stopped talking to me. Then, when my father died Lisa was very nice to me.She came to his funeral (maybe to show me how it is done) and talked to me a couple times after that.

Soon after though, she stopped talking to me completely. I think I recall giving her some unsolicited financial advice before the stock market crash in around '07 (+/-) and she did not return that email. Soon thereafter I lost a hard drive and although it was backed up I never could find Lisa's email address again. I always thought she would send me an email and we could reconnect, but that never happened. I even tried contacting old friends of hers but none of them have heard from her either.

So now I wonder if Lisa is OK? There are a few possibilities:
1. Lisa is very happy and maybe even married and I can not find her because of a name change or move to foreign land and she does not contact me because she is so busy being happy.
2. Lisa is not happy, and does not contact me because, as the depressed are want to do, she is waiting for me to contact her without realizing that I have tried and can not.
3. Lisa is neither very happy, or unhappy - she is just normal but figures I am far away and no reason to complicate life with toll call friendships.
4. Lisa has lost her address book as well and is unable to contact me. Perhaps she has a similar blog post dunning the search engine gods to point me to her, but unfortunately my name is so common that any blog mention of it will never find the top 10 hittable links.
5. Lisa is locked in the basement of a hypercritical sci-fi creep who feeds her a steady diet of pizza rolls and betamax porn. Unable to free her hands to use the keyboard of the computer with attached webcam in front of her she thinks all hope is lost.

Instructions for Lisa
Time, that insufferable wench, has been ministering us both long enough. Send me an email.
You know who this is, and my email has not changed. If you have lost that email drop a letter in the mail to my parents old house and I will receive it. Or stop by and leave a letter by the garage door where it will be seen.

[Update 2016 - So, late in 2015 Lisa decided to contact me.  It turns out, that she had seen the blog years earlier, and for some reason did not respond. I think #2 or #3 above were closest to the truth, but I don't know. It seems that reason I could not find her is because she had switched email addresses after I lost my HD, and while she had my address, she did not know I was trying to contact her. I will post more about this later.]